Friday, May 21, 2010

Only 1 Month Until The Funnest Party On Earth!! The Snyder Family Reunion!!

Just Can't wait until the Snyder Family Reunion!! Everyone Remember that it will be held June 18th-20th 2010 at Ridgeway State Park, Colorado. We are going to have a great time! Fun for all ages!

Friday will be our meet and greet(lunch and dinner on your own).


Brunch from 10:00am to 12:00pm.

Visiting and getting to know each other.

Kids games afternoon

Auction at 3:00pm "Don't forget to bring your auction items and your pocket book, this is how we earn our money for the next reunion!!"

Dinner at 5:00pm "Bring a pot luck dish...salad, dessert, baked beans etc.."

Talent Show after dinner, so come prepared with your best talent!! I promise to sing to you! Oh Wait Kurt refuses to let me sing!! I just can't imagine why!!

Visiting and more visiting!


Breakfast at 9:00am or whenever we get up and get it started!! LOL